A. Create an AWS CodeCommit repository to store the source code. Create an AWS CodePipeline pipeline that has a source of the CodeCommit repository. Most Voted
B. Create an S3 bucket to act as the source for developers to upload their source code. Create an AWS CodePipeline pipeline that has the S3 bucket as the source.
C. In the CodePipeline pipeline, configure an AWS CodeBuild phase that compiles the source code and produces build artifacts. Most Voted
D. In the CodePipeline pipeline, configure an AWS CodeDeploy phase that compiles the source code, produces build artifacts, and then deploys the website.
E. In the CodePipeline pipeline, configure an AWS AppConfig deploy action that deploys the build artifacts to the S3 website bucket.
F. In the CodePipeline pipeline, configure an S3 deploy action that deploys the build artifacts to the S3 website bucket. Most Voted
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