A. Create an AWS Config rule to detect stacks that do not have termination protection enabled. Add a remediation action to the rule to enable termination protection. Deploy the rule across the organization by using the PutOrganizationConfigRule API operation.
B. Create a CloudFormation template that deploys an AWS Config rule to detect stacks that do not have termination protection enabled. Add a remediation action to the rule to enable termination protection. Deploy the template to the OU of the production accounts by using CloudFormation StackSets. Most Voted
C. Create an SCP that denies cloudformation:DeleteStack actions. Apply the SCP to the OU of the production accounts by using CloudFormation StackSets.
D. Create a CloudFormation stack policy that denies Update:Delete actions. Apply the policy to the OU of the production accounts by using CloudFormation StackSets.
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