A. Set up an Amazon S3 destination bucket. Establish a trust relationship with an IAM role that includes permissions for Amazon RDS.
B. Set up an Amazon FSx for Windows File Server destination file system. Establish a trust relationship with an IAM role that includes permissions for Amazon RDS.
C. Create an option group. Add the SQLSERVER_BACKUP_RESTORE option to the option group
D. Modify the existing default option group. Add the SQLSERVER_BACKUP_RESTORE option to the option group
E. Back up the database by using the native BACKUP DATABASE TSQL command. Restore the database by using the RESTORE DATABASE TSQL command.
F. Back up the database by using the rds_backup_database stored procedure. Restore the database by using the rds_restore_database stored procedure.
- Trademarks, certification & product names are used for reference only and belong to Amazon.
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