A. Load the data into an Amazon Redshift cluster by using the COPY command. Configure 50 author users and 1,000 reader users. Use QuickSight Enterprise edition. Configure an Amazon Redshift data source with a direct query option.
B. Use QuickSight Standard edition. Configure 50 author users and 1,000 reader users. Configure an Athena data source with a direct query option.
C. Use QuickSight Enterprise edition. Configure 50 author users and 1,000 reader users. Configure an Athena data source and import the data into SPICE. Automatically refresh every 24 hours.
D. Use QuickSight Enterprise edition. Configure 1 administrator and 1,000 reader users. Configure an S3 data source and import the data into SPICE. Automatically refresh every 24 hours.
- Trademarks, certification & product names are used for reference only and belong to Amazon.
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