A. Create an OU within the company’s organization. Add department accounts to the OU. From the central management account, create an AWS CloudFormation template that includes the VPC and the network security configurations. Create a CloudFormation stack set by using this template file with automated deployment enabled. Apply the CloudFormation stack set to the OU. Most Voted
B. Create a new organization with the central management account. Invite all AWS department accounts into the new organization. From the central management account, create an AWS CloudFormation template that includes the VPC and the network security configurations. Create a CloudFormation stack that is based on this template. Apply the CloudFormation stack to the newly created organization.
C. Invite department accounts to the company’s organization. From the central management account, create an AWS CloudFormation template that includes the VPC and the network security configurations. Create an AWS CodePipeline pipeline that will deploy the network security setup to the newly created account. Specify the creation of an account as an event hook. Apply the event hook to the pipeline.
D. Invite department accounts to the company’s organization. From the central management account, create an AWS CloudFormation template that includes the VPC and the network security configurations. Create an AWS Lambda function that will deploy the VPC and the network security setup to the newly created account. Create an event that watches for account creation. Configure the event to invoke the pipeline.
- Trademarks, certification & product names are used for reference only and belong to Amazon.
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