A. Use VM ImporvExport to create images of each VM. Use AWS Application Migration Service to manage and view the images. Copy the Windows file share data to an Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) file system. After migration, remap the file share to the EFS file system.
B. Deploy the AWS Application Discovery Service agentless appliance to VMware vCenter. Review the portfolio of discovered VMs in AWS Migration Hub.
C. Deploy the AWS Application Migration Service agentless appliance to VMware vCenter. Copy the Windows file share data to a new Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system. After migration, remap the file share on each VM to the FSx for Windows File Server file system.
C. Create and review a portfolio in AWS Migration Hub. Order an AWS Snowcone device. Deploy AWS Application Migration Service to VMware vCenter and export all the VMs to the Snowcone device. Copy all Windows file share data to the Snowcone device. Ship the Snowcone device to AWS. Use Application Migration Service to deploy all the migrated instances.
D. Deploy the AWS Application Discovery Service Agent and the AWS Application Migration Service Agent onto each VMware hypervisor directly. Review the portfolio in AWS Migration Hub. Copy each VM’s file share data to a new Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system. After migration, remap the file share on each VM to the FSx for Windows File Server file system.
- Trademarks, certification & product names are used for reference only and belong to Amazon.
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