A. Provision a Direct Connect gateway. Delete the existing private virtual interface from the existing connection. Create the second Direct Connect connection. Create a new private virtual interface on each connection, and connect both private virtual interfaces to the Direct Connect gateway. Connect the Direct Connect gateway to the single VPC. Most Voted
B. Keep the existing private virtual interface. Create the second Direct Connect connection. Create a new private virtual interface on the new connection, and connect the new private virtual interface to the single VPC.
C. Keep the existing private virtual interface. Create the second Direct Connect connection. Create a new public virtual interface on the new connection and connect the new public virtual interface to the single VPC.
D. Provision a transit gateway. Delete the existing private virtual interface from the existing connection. Create the second Direct Connect connection. Create a new private virtual interface on each connection, and connect both private virtual interfaces to the transit gateway. Associate the transit gateway with the single VPC.
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