A. Configure the application account’s deployment IAM role to have a trust relationship with the centralized DevOps account. Configure the trust relationship to allow the sts:AssumeRole action. Configure the application account’s deployment IAM role to have the required access to the EKS cluster. Configure the EKS cluster aws-auth ConfigMap to map the role to the appropriate system permissions.
B. Configure the centralized DevOps account’s deployment IAM role to have a trust relationship with the application account. Configure the trust relationship to allow the sts:AssumeRole action. Configure the centralized DevOps account’s deployment IAM role to allow the required access to CodeBuild.
C. Configure the centralized DevOps account’s deployment IAM role to have a trust relationship with the application account. Configure the trust relationship to allow the sts:AssumeRoleWithSAML action. Configure the centralized DevOps account’s deployment IAM role to allow the required access to CodeBuild.
D. Configure the application account’s deployment IAM role to have a trust relationship with the AWS Control Tower management account. Configure the trust relationship to allow the sts:AssumeRole action. Configure the application account’s deployment IAM role to have the required access to the EKS cluster. Configure the EKS cluster aws-auth ConfigMap to map the role to the appropriate system permissions.

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