A. Use the STL_SCAN view to understand how the tables are getting scanned. Identify the columns that are used in filter and group by conditions. Create a temporary table with the identified columns as sort keys and compression as Zstandard (ZSTD) by copying the data from the original table. Drop the original table. Give the temporary table the same name that the original table had.
B. Run an explain plan to analyze the queries on the tables. Consider recommendations from Amazon Redshift Advisor. Identify the columns that are used in filter and group by conditions. Convert the recommended columns from Redshift Advisor into sort keys with compression encoding set to RAW. Set the rest of the column compression encoding to AZ64.
C. Run an explain plan to analyze the queries on the tables. Consider recommendations from Amazon Redshift Advisor. Identify the columns that are used in filter and group by conditions. Convert the recommended columns from Redshift Advisor into sort keys with compression encoding set to LZO. Set the rest of the column compression encoding to Zstandard (ZSTD).
D. Run an explain plan to analyze the queries on the tables. Consider recommendations from Amazon Redshift Advisor. Identify the columns that are used in filter and group by conditions. Create a deep copy of the table with the identified columns as sort keys and compression for all columns as Zstandard (ZSTD) by using a bulk insert. Drop the original table. Give the copy table the same name that the original table had.
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