A. Create an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule for the CloudTrail StopLogging event. Create an AWS Lambda function that uses the AWS SDK to call StartLogging on the ARN of the resource in which StopLogging was called. Add the Lambda function ARN as a target to the EventBridge (CloudWatch Events) rule. Most Voted
B. Deploy the AWS-managed CloudTrail-enabled AWS Config rule, set with a periodic interval of 1 hour. Create an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule for AWS Config rules compliance change. Create an AWS Lambda function that uses the AWS SDK to call StartLogging on the ARN of the resource in which StopLogging was called. Add the Lambda function ARN as a target to the EventBridge (CloudWatch Events) rule.
C. Create an Amazon EventBridge (Amazon CloudWatch Events) rule for a scheduled event every 5 minutes. Create an AWS Lambda function that uses the AWS SDK to call StartLogging on a CloudTrail trail in the AWS account. Add the Lambda function ARN as a target to the EventBridge (CloudWatch Events) rule.
D. Launch a t2.nano instance with a script running every 5 minutes that uses the AWS SDK to query CloudTrail in the current account. If the CloudTrail trail is disabled, have the script re-enable the trail.
- Trademarks, certification & product names are used for reference only and belong to Amazon.
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